Healing Voices Concert is such powerful, natural, gentle way
to help heal our bodies, and relieve our stresses and worries.
The use of voice as a healing tool can be traced back to most ancient civilizations since the begining of recorded history.
When we are exposed to loving healing frequencies, the vibrations travel through our bodies and assist in removing blockages and stagnant energy.
Please watch this youtube video to get a feel of the process:
Abigail’s Healing Voices Concert is designed specifically for this purpose. It is uique form of meditation music, that incorprates the ancient wisdom of sound healing.
Abigail’s meditative singing takes you on a magical journey beyond space and time
Combining the use of overtone singing, tibetan singing bowls, crystal singing bowls, calimba and lyre.
The texts are inspired by Sanskrit yoga mantras and from Psalms.
The participants are invited to lie down and relax, or to sit in a meditation position, as the body soaks in the healing vibrations created by this special meditation. Abigail will also guide you in a gentle guided meditation to raise your energy frequencies, clear your chakras and open your heart to healing and clarity.
This will include gentle movements of the body to allow the energy to flow through your body with ease. Participants will also be guided to engage and use their voice. As the the room fills with the beautiful heartfelt energy of our voices combined, we are all assisting in each other’s healing experience. It is quite magical.
Contact to schedule a soundshower healing meditation for your group.